Order Parts
When you place an order for multiple parts, we will consolidate them into the most compact box available. Any excess shipping charges will be reimbursed to you through PayPal. Any additional shipping charges will be invoiced through PayPal. Make sure your address is correct in PayPal before you complete your purchase. We ship to the address provided through PayPal. Our shipping process typically takes up to 3-4 business days with USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate or Ground depending on the parts. You will be able to locate your tracking number in your PayPal account.
Replacement SuperMotor

SuperMotor-V3 Installation Instructions
Refurbished Motor Reinstallation Instructions
+ $33.00 S/H
$800 is with your old motor trade in. Motors must be returned within 3 weeks. If motors are not returned, you will be invoiced for an additional $1000.
EdgeRider Wheels for APQS Quilting Machines, New Style

(Use the product selector on www.edgeriderwheels.com to find out the type of wheels you need.)
+ $9.25 S/H
EdgeRider Wheels for APQS Quilting Machines, Old Style

(Use the product selector on www.edgeriderwheels.com to find out the type of wheels you need.)
+ $9.25 S/H